A step forward in the Generation of Clean and Renewable Energy in El Salvador

In El Salvador, the generation, distribution and commercialization of clean and renewable energy is now a reality thanks to the investment and innovative vision of large economic agents, the change in regulations that requires Distributors to have long-term energy supply contracts, the development of public tenders for the supply of clean energy or those based on renewable resources; factors that have driven the creation of Photovoltaic, Wind energy parks and Clean energy projects based on natural gas, among others, in order to modernize and remove the dependence that exists on generation based on petroleum products.

Spurred by recent technological advances, declining costs of solar panels and growing concerns about sustainability and environmental impact, the possibility of producing clean and sustainable energy in substantial quantities from clean and renewable energy sources has increased not only as a generation but also in the industry who have seen how self-consumption is a tool that can improve their commercial costs and reduce their dependence and consumption of traditional energy.

As pioneers in innovative fields of law in El Salvador, Romero Pineda & Asociados has taken on the special task of advising on Clean and Renewable Energy projects, with expert professionals in various branches related to the field, both in the regulatory, contractual, and financing aspects. and efficiency that have helped the development and execution of Clean and Renewable Energy advising our clients in a comprehensive way from the preliminary phases, such as their operation, maintenance, permits, contracts and financing.

We consider that our contribution with a country vision marks a mark in the sector of specialized legal services as well as in the energy projects that we have intervened with the indisputable quality that has characterized us in our career. We appreciate the trust placed in our legal team, who have given their greatest effort creating, as our motto dictates, 40 years of excellence.

By Francisco Martínez

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