Corporate Social Responsability (CSR)

Corporate Social Responsability (CSR)

Corporate Social Responsability (CSR)

Corporate Social Responsability (CSR)

Corporate Social Responsability (CSR)

Corporate Social Responsability (CSR)

Corporate Social Responsability (CSR)

Corporate Social Responsability (CSR)

The Firm maintains a strong social commitment to building a better culture of respect for the rule of law, the development of the country and the Central American region.

For the Firm, Pro-Bono – working for the public good – is an ethical obligation to make our profession available to just causes that represent a change to improve the present as well as the future of El Salvador and the Central American region.

Additionally, in recent years, they have channeled more than half a million dollars in donations working alongside NGOs and various volunteer programs. On the other hand, the contribution has transcended borders working for diplomatic representations accredited in El Salvador.

The commitment is in line with Corporate Social Responsibility. They work alongside AmCham as part of different committees such as: Legal Committee, Intellectual Property, Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility. Likewise, we advise executive management on legal issues, among others.

Also, for many years we have worked hand in hand with foundations including Volunteer Angels from the Brand Protection unit, preventing counterfeit products that affect the rights of their clients from entering the Salvadoran market, and after a legal process, giving them a new life, a new end.

The unit works hand in hand with customs authorities protecting its clients' brands and seizing counterfeit products that want to enter the Salvadoran market. In accordance with the Law, they carry out the entire procedure for their seizure and upon having a favorable verdict, they ask that these products not be discarded in the common way, destroying them, but that they be transformed, with the authorization of those responsible, into a donation for works of philanthropy.

It is in this way that they contribute to the Volunteer Angels program, an institutional volunteer association of the Dr. José Matías Delgado University, who work with communities to benefit those most in need in our country, who upon receiving these donations are responsible for removing labels from the products and give them a new destination.

“This immense benefit allows us to offer help to many localities, which would not benefit if it were not for the good efforts of Romero Pineda. As a program, these donations allow us to impact more segments of the population and that increases our social responsibility as an educational institution,” shared Carla Núñez, general coordinator of the Volunteer Angels program.

The history of the Firm's contribution through Volunteer Angels goes back many years when one of the partners, together with the School for Young Talents of the Matías Delgado University, carried out several works in different communities, until one Christmas a client terminated his distribution business and all his merchandise would be spoiled, that was when he was asked to intercede with Volunteer Angels to benefit a good number of people with these products, in such a special time.

Part of the Pro-Bono work is focused on the benefit of children and adolescents who are in a vulnerable situation, thus managing to obtain, through hard work, different products in donation that bring a smile to each of them.