Dear Clients and Friends:

ROMERO PINEDA & ASOCIADOS, informs you that the Legislative Assembly during a plenary session approved reforms with the purpose of guaranteeing job stability for workers with disabling chronic diseases.

The reform of articles 30, 17°) and 110, as well as the inclusion of new articles 308 – A and 308 – B of the Labor Code applicable to the private sector, grants job stability to people with disabling chronic diseases, such as cancer and chronic kidney failure. These diseases require frequent medical check-ups and the respective rehabilitation or specialized technical and medical care. After validation by the treating doctor, favorable working conditions for the employee who suffers from these diseases will be guaranteed.

The guarantee includes the right to maintain their work under the same conditions, the prohibitions against being assigned to jobs that require physical effort incompatible with their condition or illness, nor from being fired, and the obligation to pay the subsidy on behalf of the Salvadoran Social Security Institute. (ISSS).

This guarantee of job stability will begin once the treating doctor has issued the corresponding diagnosis and will extend three months after the respective treatment has been completed.

The reforms will be mandatory once they are sanctioned by the President of the Republic and published in the Official Gazette.

For more information and legal assistance on the deadlines, modalities and conditions of compliance, please contact Beatriz Merino, Labor Unit Coordinator at (503) 2505-5555 or email

It will be a pleasure for us to serve you.

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