Health Protocols for the Gradual Reactivation of the Economy

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“Health Protocols to guarantee the rights to health and life of People in the Process of Gradual Reactivation of the Economy during the COVID-19 Pandemic”
Applicable in the Western, Central and Eastern Zones of the Republic of El Salvador.

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-Issued by the Executive Body in the Health Branch on Sunday, June 14, 2020.

-Regulates economic reactivation in FIVE STAGES starting on Tuesday, June 16, culminating in the last stage on August 21.


Through Executive Decree No. 31, the Government of El Salvador seeks to organize the reopening of our Economy in an orderly manner. Now, the challenge we face is how to reopen the economy and get people back to work while meeting public health goals. The reactivation will consist of the following phases:



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PHASE 1: (from Tuesday, June 16 to Monday, July 6):

 All activities that were authorized during the pandemic will be allowed to continue, some of the most important being the sale of food and pharmaceutical products, pharmacies, clinical laboratories and private transportation of people.

The operation of the following industries will be permitted in this phase: Food and beverage manufacturing, cleaning and hygiene products, textile and clothing industry, construction sector, metalworking industry, electronic manufacturing, spare parts and auto parts manufacturing, energy sector, transportation services. repair and maintenance, aeronautical industry (repatriation flights and humanitarian flights, cargo terminal operations for import, except for parcels and merchandise for resale), seaports for export and import of cargo in general, Shopping Centers (only online or to pick up), food by delivery, business services online or by telephone, accounting, auditing and legal services, printing services, medical services by appointment, veterinary services, beauty salons by appointment, freight transportation, public sector for procedures of trade and investment, diplomatic corps, business associations and unions, teachers and administrators of educational centers.

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PHASE 2: (from Tuesday, July 7 to Tuesday, July 21):

 Operations of all sectors of Phase 1 will be allowed, as well as the industries of: Plastic, paper and cardboard, footwear, cosmetics, other manufacturing industry activities, creative industries, professional and business services, call centers ), real estate. In Malls: defined in phase 1, supermarkets, pharmacies, essential services, the operation of restaurants and food areas in open and closed spaces following biosafety protocols, opticians, beauty salons, hairdressers and barbershops, business services by appointment, (not allowed activities for recreational purposes). Restaurants and cafes following biosafety protocols, public transportation and aviation schools. Going for a walk is allowed, following biosafety protocols; Supply and distribution chains of the industries of this phase will be allowed to operate and 2 meters must be maintained. of distance between people, thus determining the maximum capacity of each company.

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PHASE 3: (from Wednesday, July 22 to Wednesday, August 5):

 Retail and wholesale trade, informal sector activities (with health protocols), beauty salons and hairdressers without prior appointment, opening of contactless sports establishments, gyms (with health protocols), aeronautical industry for operations in the HUB (at % operation). In Malls: defined in phase 2, establishments and service businesses in general, establishments for non-contact sports, gyms (all with health protocols), opticians, beauty salons and hairdressers without an appointment (activities for recreational purposes are not allowed. Churches and places of worship and private daily care centers for older adults and people with disabilities.) 2 meters must be maintained. distance in distribution chains.

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PHASE 4: (from Thursday, August 6 to Thursday, August 20):

Shows and public sporting events will be allowed in soccer stadiums applying a distance of 2 meters, aeronautical industry (at % of operation), domestic and international tourism (with health protocols), museums and exhibition halls, convention centers, cinemas and theaters (with 50% capacity). In Malls: shows and cinema (with 50% capacity).

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PHASE 5: (As of Friday, August 21): All other activities that are not in operation in phase 4 will be allowed.


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